Monday, September 26, 2011

Four Years

Four years ago yesterday, I arrived in Santiago. i remember the journey and the arrival as if it were yesterday.. i've walked a segment of the Camino again last year. The movie "The Way" was released in the UK earlier this year, and I relived it again.

Two weeks ago I did a walking holiday in Tuscany, true to my September holiday spirit.

The Camino is my spirit and my spirit the Camino. Many, many blessings have found their way to me because of this journey.

If you're thinking about walking "the way', let it find you and bring you to it. You'll be forever changed and grateful.


Anonymous said...

It's the Dwidget, purveyor of little feetskis.... Lady bopped-in for a passport photo. "Where ya goin?" "Camino-de-..." and when I unfainted,well, u know. Nothing on this blog and september's around the corner. Sounds like you're around the globe somewhere....

Teri said...

Your Feetsies are about to leave with two separate pilgrim friends I made whilst on my first one five years ago. They are both heading out again. One of them, Wendy, Nick and I met up with in Germany a couple of weeks ago. I've been living just outside London for a couple of years. A great launch pad for all places Europe. I've never, for a moment, forgotten who taught me to travel. My anniversary post is forming in my head.....stay tuned. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Cant teach you a thang. You've always been the brighter star, darlin' :) You just took to it with passion as deep and wondrous as my own. My old age has me recallin' quite alot or frequently. dP

Teri said...

Ha! If I had a nickel for every time I said "when D", I'd be rich enough to not have to work and gat to travel ALL the time. Oh, and another nickel for each morning the Issy goes on, or, or, or... You're in my heart everyday, even when you're outta sight. Always have. Always will be.

Anonymous said...

d-i-t-t-o Gotta read this blog. Just saw the 'home page' when i get a working computer at home, will contact u (cuz you owe me a visit to Castelo Tomar ;) )

Teri said...

I do, definitely owe you a visit to Castelo Tomar. Fair statement.